Software Development

Software Development

Foundations of JavaScript Development

9 Weeks / 100 hours

$5,250.00 excl. Tax

This course will go over the basic foundations of the JavaScript language, and how the Software Development Lifecycle plays a role in their career path. We explore common design patterns using these fundamentals, so each student has an understanding of how these concepts work in real world products.

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Foundations of Python Programming

9 Weeks / 100 hours

$5,250.00 excl. Tax

Rated as the number 1 best programming language of 2020, Python is all the talk. This fundamental language will give the student all the knowledge they need to upskill to some of the latest technology stacks: Big Data and Machine Learning. There is also room to move into web technologies as well, with DJango. Python is one of the most versatile languages on the market.

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